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Blame Your Fork

Research has shown that people eat more when the serving container is bigger. In fact, today's salad fork is the size of a dinner fork from the mid-eighties, and serving spoons are taking on shovel-like dimensions.

Brain Wansink, director of the Food and Brand Lab at the University of Illinios, led a research study where researchers sent participants home with a half pound, a one pound or a two pound bag of M&Ms. Those with the half pound bag ate an average of 63 M&Ms, while those with the one poind bag averaged 120 M&MS! The larger the bag, the more the person ate.

The same principle applies to the size of our eating utensils, plates and glasses. So make life a little easier for yourself. Buy smaller utensils, plates and wine glasses and notice how much more civilized your dining experience can be!

P.S. If anyone identifies a good source of small scale flatware, etc., let me know. I'd like to place a shopping link on my site!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good observation Renee.
I was buying some cutlery at IKEA a while ago and I noticed that all the spoons and forks are much smaller than those I typically see in this country.

Another reason Europeans aren't as fat as Americans?

3:18 PM  
Blogger aimhigher05 said...

I noticed the same thing about the plates and bowls. I recently bought a set of dishes that had small bowls, large bowls, dinner plates, cups, saucers and salad plates. I find most of the time, the salad plate is just right. In fact I am partially packed for a move, the dinner plates were packed first.

4:11 AM  

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