A Simple Daily Practice That Produces Dramatic Results
I came across a great article today in the Wall St. Journal about the power of positive thinking to cure what ails you. The article inspired me to share with you a simple daily practice to train your mind to filter for the positive that is so powerful, that some of my clients actually believe it cured their depression*.
I remember one client who was about to go on anti-depressants. She felt that she would never be able to lose weight and attract a boyfriend, and that she would never amount to anything professionally. I recommended she begin keeping a Success Journal. I saw her several months later and, with a big smile on her face, she told me her whole life had changed. She said that she was a list maker who used to get to the end of the day depressed about how much was still on her to-do list. Now she goes to bed amazed by how much she has accomplished. Not only did she not need the andti-depressants, but she was down 15 lbs (without dieting), and had a revived social life. A month or two later, I bumped into her at Open Studios. She was with her new boyfriend, and shared with me that she was training for a triathlon!
What is the Success Journal?
Each night before you go to sleep, you write down two (or more) good things from your day. The list could include a smile from a loved one, a couple of minutes in the sun, or even a renewed appreciation that your car started when you turned the key! That's it.
Why is the Success Journal so effective?
1. You do it right before you go to sleep at night.
The time before you fall asleep is a very open time for your subconscious mind (the part of your mind that controls your automatic thoughts and behaviors). The conscious mind is winding down, and so you are very open to suggestion.At this critical juncture, you put on a positive filter as you reflect on your day. You then go to sleep on a positive note. Imagine how this will affect the quality of your sleep. And if you sleep well, imagine how you will feel when you wake up in the morning. So, you start your day well rested, on a positive note, which benefits your whole day.
Then at the end of the day, again you put on your positive filter, re-enforcing your new habit. After 30 days, you will have re-trained your brain to notice the many wonderful things in your life. You will have created an attitude of gratitude that will act as a magnet for more positive things in your life.
2. It takes less than five minutes.
In our busy lives, we often have barely a moment to spare. That's why I love the Success Journal. How long will it take you to write two good things from your day? Two to five minutes I would guess. Moreover, the Success Journal is an easy habit to establish and keep, because you are appending it to something you are already doing-going to bed.
3. The benefits dramatically outweigh the investment.
In other words, it works, and it's easy! Depression is all about the way we talk to ourselves, and the thoughts in our heads. Depressed individuals filter for the negative in life, always seeing the cup as half empty. The Success Journal is a simple and powerful way to retrain our thinking, so that you filter for the positive.Make a commitment now to do this practice for 30 days. Buy a notebook or journal today, place it by your bed with a pen, and start your changes today! Then please email me and share what you notice!
* This technique is not meant as a substitute for advice from a qualified medical professional. If you feel you suffer from depression, do the Success Journal, and consult a professional.
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